Damn everybody wanna be gangsta told these fools, I’m that type of danger But, I ain’t trying to pick that pose, just disclose that I’ll click the finger Too much on my mind different time that’s a sign friend of mine How become we strangers You could thank famous, Famous done changed us Used to be among the namers That’s another language, nothing to explain this They ain’t ready for the best day That’s a thousand years of peace, But their knowings out of reach Can’t throw what I teach, What the verse say, had a mercy Get up early, prey to God for my scars and my worst days And them thirst days errevaderche Best believe it a be a new birthday Pursue, word play, they say BlackIce life like he been through them Q’s Shout out to the old to the new, flow follow few, You know what I do Turn a struggle to a hustle Know this time I mean my muscle Never wait to discuss who, All this time they really don’t love you
It’s a new day can’t move me, middle finger up to black bule’s Going to leave us out, this that breathe and pout, you gotta sweep the doubt before it’s too late, that’s a due date What did you say them times of signs on your crusade Touche, where them fools lay, Be the first of test of that koolaide Caught the fade, Dope or slave, Who wrote the wave self destruction How you function, just consumption No love, No life, No limit, Crush’em, Flush’em, Dust’em, Fuck’em, Love’em Gott’em looking for a reason There’s more than life, So a nigga like breathing Some talk they teething , Walk without meaning ya’ll still believe him It’s like this, Leave’em lifeless, Some sheist shit Don’t talk the walk, cause you might miss Don’t sell the soul, You a vegatable, become a episode, No invitements, just excitements, a little enlightenment, Finna pass the Gov them indictments
המסלול הזה מוגבל לגיל לצופים מתחת לגיל 18, צור חשבון או התחבר כדי לאשר את גילך.
צור הודעת הסרה של DMCA
דוח ההערות נמחק בהצלחה.
דווח על תגובה
דוח ההערות נמחק בהצלחה.
דווח על תגובה.
דוח המסלול נמחק בהצלחה.
מסלול דיווח.
דוח המסלול נמחק בהצלחה.
מסלול ביקורת.
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